organic products
International vocation
Europe is the main market, although our products reach the United States, Canada, China and India.
From the Tradition
"Inheritance of tradition and care for the environment. Weaving a network (a jarpil) to achieve a sustainable future."
Quality Lab
Quality control and certification for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
Biodiversity Paradise
Andalusia is the only Spanish Autonomous Community where you can find three different species of rosemary that grow spontaneously.
In Almería alone, one of the eight Andalusian provinces, we have cataloged eleven species and several hybrids of the genus Thymus (thyme). This is a small example of all the biodiversity that can be found in Andalusia.
Product catalog
We have our own productions as well as our group of associated organic producers.
Organic essential oils
Organic vegetable oils
Floral waters
Macerated Eco
Sweeteners and other organic products
What is a Jarpil?
In the collection of thyme, sage and rosemary, three traditional packaging systems are used: the Haz, the Malla and “the Jarpil”.
This is typical of the Sierras de Baza, Filabres, Los Vélez and Huéscar, halfway between Granada and Almería.
It is a network of ropes like a very open sack with a mouth with hooks. When the free end of the rope is passed through them and the load is pressed, this opening closes and the net compresses the contents. They are made by hand by the collectors themselves and the material used is thick hemp ropes and light raffia braids.
Season products
Products of the new Campaign
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Biofach 2013
EL JARPIL estuvo presente en la edición 2013 de BIOFACH, feria internacional de productos orgánicos, y el comercio en la industria org